Shop Resources

  • Little Learners Science My Pet Fish, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore pet fish for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    My Pet Fish – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning about Pet Fish and what animals need FUN and hands-on in your classroom using this science unit made just for little learners! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book,…

  • Little Learners Science all about my body and teeth, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore my body and teeth for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    My Body & Teeth – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Learn all about the body and teeth (aka dental health) through hands-on explorations in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)!…

  • Have a my body and teeth theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have a my body and teeth theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    My Body and Teeth Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kinder


    My Body & Teeth Too Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on health-themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, name writing, sight words, handwriting, syllables, rhyming, building vocabulary words, sight words, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered are one-to-one correspondence, counting, addition,…

  • Little Learners Science all about trees and leaves, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore trees and leaves for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    Leaves and Trees – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning about Trees and Leaves FUN and hands-on in your classroom using this science unit made just for little learners! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and…

  • Little Learners Science all about trash and recycling, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore trash and recycling for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    Trash and Recycling – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Investigate trash and recycling through hands-on explorations in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)! Included is a read-aloud book, Reuse…

  • Little Learners Science all about building, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore building for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    All About Building – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning about building and physics FUN and hands-on in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on building materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)! Included is a…

  • Little Learners Science all about pumpkins, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore pumpkins for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    All About Pumpkins – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning about Pumpkins FUN and hands-on in your classroom using this unit made just for little learners! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science…

  • Little Learners Science all about 5 senses, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore 5 senses for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    5 Senses – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make the 5 senses FUN and hands-on in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on 5 senses materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)! Included is a read-aloud…

  • Little Learners Science all about apples, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore apples for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    All About Apples – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make apple science FUN and hands-on in your classroom using science units made just for little learners! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal…

  • Little Learners Science all about being a scientist, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore being a scientist for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    Being a Scientist – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make science FUN and hands-on in your classroom using science units made just for little learners! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)!…

  • Simple design shape posters for your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.

    Simple Design 2D Shape & 3D Shape Posters


    Shape posters make 2D shape and 3D shape recognition and geometry fun and active. You can use the shape posters and cards during small group, whole group, circle, and center time. It is a great addition to any math center! They have been designed for a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom. Just print, cut, and…

  • Create a beach dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.Create a beach dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.

    Beach Dramatic Play


    BEACH is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center. A teacher planning web breaks the theme down, week by week and includes a book list. There are labels and real classroom photos showing how to set up your beach in your dramatic play center. Just print the labels, signs,…

  • Have an insect theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have an insect theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    Insect Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Insect Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands on bug themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, name writing, handwriting, syllables, reading comprehension building vocabulary words, sight words, and writing/journaling. Math skills cover are one to one correspondence, counting, addition, symmetry,…

  • Create a garden shop dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.Create a garden shop dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.

    Flower Shop and Garden Shop Dramatic Play


    Flower Shop Dramatic Play and Garden Shop is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center. A teacher planning web breaks the theme down, week by week and includes a book list. There are labels and real classroom photos showing how to set up your flower shop or garden shop…

  • Have a construction theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Construction name cutting craftivity for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students plus 15 other math, literacy, and fine motor activities with a construction theme.

    Construction Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, & Kindergarten


    Construction Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on construction- themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Perfect for a construction and community helpers theme. It now includes two fine motor centers, one writing center, six literacy centers, and eight math centers. The literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning…

  • Create a construction site dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.Create a construction site dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.

    Construction Site Dramatic Play


    Construction Site Dramatic Play is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center. A teacher planning web breaks the theme down, week by week and includes a book list. There are labels and real classroom photos showing how to set up your Construction Site in your dramatic play center. Just…

  • Have a winter games theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have a winter games theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    Winter Games Math and Literacy Centers Preschool, Pre-K, & Kindergarten


    Winter Games Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on Winter Games themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, handwriting, building vocabulary words, sight words, scissor skills, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered are one-to-one correspondence, counting, addition, number identification, writing numbers, comparing…

  • Create a dino dig dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.Create a dino dig dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.

    Dinosaur Dig Dramatic Play


    Dino Dig Dramatic Play is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center. A teacher planning web breaks the theme down, week by week, and includes a book list. There are labels and real classroom photos showing how to set up your Dino Dig in your dramatic play center. Just…

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