Shop Resources

  • Have a nursery rhyme theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.14 Nursery Rhyme poems, covers, and sequencing worksheets plus 15 more nursery rhyme activities for your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.

    Nursery Rhymes Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Nursery Rhymes Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on nursery rhyme themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Perfect for a nursery rhymes and rhyming theme. It now includes two fine motor centers, one writing center, six literacy centers, and eight math centers. The literacy skills covered are sequencing,…

  • Little Learners Science all about animals in the winter, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore animals in the winter for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students with this science unit.

    Animals in Winter – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning all about Animals in Winter, Hibernation, Migration, and Animal Adaptations fun and hands-on in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science…

  • Have a hibernation theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Hibernation math and literacy centers for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.

    Hibernation Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Hibernation Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on hibernation themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, sight words, handwriting, syllables, building vocabulary words, rhyming, and…

  • Little Learners Science gingerbread 5 senses, a printable science unit designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Explore the 5 senses with a gingerbread twist for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students

    Gingerbread 5 Senses – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


    Make learning all about the gingerbread and the 5 senses fun and hands-on in your classroom! Use a small table or a small bookshelf to create an engaging science center full of hands-on materials for students to explore and investigate using the included printables, vocabulary cards, book, anchor charts, and discovery pages (science journal pages)!…

  • Create a bowling alley dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.Create a bowling alley dramatic play in your preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classroom for learning through play.

    Bowling Alley Dramatic Play


    Bowling Alley Dramatic Play is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center during a sports theme, ball theme or ball study, or farm theme. There are labels and real classroom photos showing how to set up your bowling alley in your dramatic play center. Just print the labels, signs,…

  • STEM I can build cards made with a sports theme for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Set up your stem and block area with these winter games or sports themed props for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.

    STEM I Can Build – Sport, Balls, Summer Games, & Winter Games Edition


    I Can Build Sport Edition books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with real photographs! This I Can Build unit includes the following themes: sports, balls, summer games, or winter games. Blocks and manipulatives give students the opportunity to be creative, problem-solve, develop math concepts, develop…

  • Have a sports theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have a sports theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    Sports Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Sports Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on sports-themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, sight words, handwriting, syllables, building vocabulary words, name writing, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered are one-to-one correspondence, counting, number identification, subtraction, measurement, patterns, and 2D shapes….

  • Have a pumpkin theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have a pumpkin theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    Pumpkin Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Pumpkin Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on pumpkin-themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, sight words, handwriting, rhyming words, name writing, building vocabulary words,…

  • Little Learners Math zoo animals pattern block mats for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten

    Zoo Pattern Block Mats – 2D Shapes Sample Pack for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kinder


    Learn all about 2D shapes and spatial reasoning skills with zoo pattern block mats. These have a zoo theme! Students will learn through play! Save BIG and get the Math for Little Learners Bundle! Get this resource and ALL the other Math for Little Learner Units.

  • STEM I can build cards made with a nursery rhymes theme for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.Set up your stem and block area with these nursery rhyme themed props for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students.

    STEM I Can Build – Nursery Rhyme Edition


    I Can Build Nursery Rhyme Edition books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with CLIP ART images inspired by 15 common nursery rhymes. Blocks and manipulatives give students the opportunity to be creative, problem-solve, develop math concepts, develop eye-hand coordination, develop fine motor (if the blocks…

  • Have a pond theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.Have a pond theme in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom while learning math and literacy skills.

    Pond Math and Literacy Centers for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Pond Animals Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on, pond-themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Literacy skills covered are letter identification, beginning sounds, sight words, handwriting, rhyming, name writing, building vocabulary words, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered are one-to-one correspondence, counting, number identification, measuring, addition, patterns, and 2D…

  • Alphabet stick mats to practice letters in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice letter formation and identification while building letters on these stick mats.

    Stick Alphabet Letter Mats – Fine Motor Fun!


    Stick Alphabet Build It Letter Mats (use with craft sticks or Wiki sticks) are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about letters, how to write letters (letter formation), letter sounds, and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small group, early finishers, table time,…

  • Number stick mats to practice numbers in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice number formation and identification while building numbers on these stick number mats.

    Stick Number Mats – Fine Motor Fun!


    Stick Number Build It Mats (use craft sticks or Wiki Sticks) are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about numbers, how to write numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small group, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, or a…

  • Use fine motor journals to help preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten students develop fine motor muscles and writing skills.Help your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten students develop fine motor skills with these fine motor journals.

    Fine Motor Journals for Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


    Fine motor journals are a fun way to teach pre-writing skills, handwriting foundations, and strengthen fine motor muscles. There are so many fine motor activities you can do in a journal! It’s like a mini-portfolio of all their fine motor activities all organized and in one place making it easy to visually see student growth….

  • Number hammer/paint mats to practice numbers in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice number formation and identification while building numbers on these paint/hammer number mats.

    Hammer It/Paint It Number Mats – Fine Motor Fun


    Hammer or Paint It Number Mats are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about numbers, how to write numbers (numbers formation), counting (one-to-one correspondence), and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small groups, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, or a center activity….

  • Number big brick mats to practice numbers in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice number formation and identification while building numbers on these big brick mats.

    Big Brick Block Number Mats – Fine Motor Fun


    BIG Brick Block Build It Number Mats are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about numbers, how to write numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small group, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, or a center activity. Large Duplo-size…

  • Alphabet big brick mats to practice letters in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice letter formation and identification while building letters with Lego big bricks.

    Big Brick Block Alphabet Letter Mats – Fine Motor Fun!


    Big Brick Block Build It Alphabet Letter Mats are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about letters, how to write letters (letter formation), letter sounds, and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small group, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, or a center…

  • Number dot it mats to practice numbers in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten room.Practice number formation and identification while building numbers on these dot it mats.

    Dot It Number Mats – Fine Motor Fun!


    Dot It Number Make It Mats are a FUN, hands-on way to explore and learn all about numbers, how to write numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and strengthen those fine motor muscles too. These are perfect for morning tubs, fine motor tubs, small group, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, or a center activity. Manipulative Ideas: use…

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