Easter centers are loaded with fun, hands-on activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, letter formation, beginning sounds, sight words, vocabulary words, syllables, rhyme, and writing/journaling. Math skills cover are…
I Can Build Summer Edition books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with real photographs during a summer, beach, camping, and/or America theme. The American themed cards can be used for 4th of July, voting/election times, pond, USA, and President’s Day. Blocks and manipulatives give students…
Spring I Can Build books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with real photographs during a spring, weather, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and/or Earth Day theme. Blocks and manipulatives give students the opportunity to be creative, problem-solve, develop math concepts, develop eye-hand coordination, develop fine motor…
I Can Build Fall Edition books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with real photographs! This I Can Build unit includes the following themes: school, fall, farm, nocturnal animals, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Blocks and manipulatives give students the opportunity to be creative, problem-solve, develop math concepts,…
I Can Build – Winter Edition – books and anchor charts is an easy and manageable way to add STEM to your classroom with real photographs (and a few clip art images of imaginary places)! This I Can Build unit includes the following themes: winter, hibernation, arctic, gingerbread, Christmas, Christmas Around the World, and Valentine’s…
Gingerbread path games make counting and adding come to life. There are so many ways you can use these path games: • Roll one dice and move the corresponding number • Roll two dice, add the numbers, and move the total • Put out letter cards, number cards, or shape cards. Students identify the item…
All About my Family is loaded with fun, family-themed activities to help your students get to know each other and their families. Discuss and create a family anchor chart about where families can live, who can be in a family, and what families like to do together. Make family graphs, class books, mini book, collages,…
Teach your students how to give and help using these fun and developmentally appropriate activities. Guide your students to develop the life skills of helping and giving and build empathy for others. This unit is perfect to do anytime during the year or during the holidays. Teaching social skills and how to interact with others…
Teach your students all about being thankful…what it looks like, how it feels, what to be thankful for, and how to show others they are thankful. Make a Thankful Tree in your classroom, make a thankful turkey craft, and make thank you posters for first responders. Discuss and create a turkey anchor chart about what…
Grandparents’ Day is a fun day you can celebrate on Grandparents’ Day or anytime during the year! This has everything you will need to host this successful event in this pack, like games, crafts, gift tags, banners, kid books, cards, and writing vocabulary cards. This has been designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. Included: •…
Donuts with Dad/Dudes or Donuts with Grown-ups is a fun event you can do in your classroom to celebrate Father’s Day or anytime during the year! This has everything you will need to host this successful event (minus the donuts and juice). This has been designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. Included: • Donuts with…
Muffins with Mom/Mum and Muffins in the Morning is a fun event you can do in your classroom to celebrate Mother’s Day or anytime during the year! This has everything you will need to host this successful event (minus the muffins and juice). This has been designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten. Included: • Muffins…
Christmas centers are loaded with fun, hands-on activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, handwriting, rhyming, beginning sounds, vocabulary words, sight words, writing friendly letters, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered…
Thanksgiving centers are loaded with fun, fall, turkey day activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, syllables, beginning sounds, retelling, vocabulary words, pre-writing skills, rhymes, and writing/journaling. Math skills covered…
Pumpkin Patch Dramatic Play is a fun theme you can do in your pretend or dramatic play center! Perfect to do in the fall! A teacher planning web breaks the theme down, week by week and includes a book list. There are labels and pictures showing how to set up your pumpkin patch in your…
Halloween Math and Literacy Centers are loaded with fun, hands-on Halloween themed activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are letter identification, letter formation, beginning sounds, syllables, sight words, vocabulary words, and writing/journaling….
Fall centers are loaded with fun, fall activities to help your students build math and literacy concepts! Now includes two fine motor activities, one writing center, six literacy activities, and eight math activities. Literacy skills covered are handwriting, letter identification, beginning sounds, compound words, syllables, sight words, fall vocabulary, letter formation/handwriting, and writing/journaling. Math skills…
Binder Covers and Spines for the math and literacy centers! If you print the covers smaller, you can also use them as labels on bins or tubs. Directions on how to print smaller pages are included. UPDATED: July 2024 Binder Covers and Spines for the following math and literacy centers: Themed math and literacy centers! •…