Calendar Event Icons – Simple Design Decor
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Over 250 Calendar Icons for different classroom events, celebrations, and holidays! All you need to do is just print, trim, and laminate. For longer-lasting calendar icons, print on card stock and laminate. Print them 4 to a page, and they fit in the corner of the number! This bright, bold design will match most classroom themes! Place the calendar icons on your calendar each month. The cards are 2.75 inches by 2.75 inches and fit in pocket chart calendars.
Calendar Icons Included:
- Fire Drill
- First Day of School
- Teddy Bear Day
- Father’s Day
- Mother’s Day
- Grandparent’s Day
- Muffins with Mom
- Popcorn Party
- Sports Day
- Sock Day
- Water Day
- PJ Day
- Ice Cream Party
- Spots Day
- Stripes Day
- Hat Day
- Field Trip
- Spirit Day (4 options)
- Party
- Reading Night
- Math Night
- Art Night
- Writing Night
- Science Night
- Math Night
- Leaf Walk
- Nature Walk
- Superstar Group
- Dance Party
- No School
- Picture Day
- Happy Birthday (2 options)
- Home Day
- Library
- Snow Day
- Art Fair
- Last Day of School
- Music Concert
- Test
- Buddies (2 options)
- Special Lunch
- Movie
- Picnic
- Substitute
- Flag Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Pizza Party
- Pirate Day
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Earth Day
- 100th Day of School
- New Year’s Eve
- New Year’s Day
- Christmas (Santa)
- Christmas (Nativity Scene)
- Easter (Cross)
- Easter (Easter Bunny)
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- 4th of July
- Blank Icons (7 options)
- Red Day
- Orange Day
- Yellow Day
- Green day
- Blue Day
- Purple Day
- Pink Day
- White Day
- Brown Day
- Black Day
- Grey Day
- Intruder Drill
- Lockdown
- Tornado Dill
- Reading Characters Day
- Donuts with Dad
- Home Day (another design)
- School Day
- World Language
- Canada Day
- Veterans Day
- Half Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Cinco de Mayo
- Columbus Day
- Memorial Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Presidents Day
- Meet the Teacher
- Back to School Night
- Election Day
- Chinese New Year
- Washington’s Birthday
- Lincoln’s Birthday
- Christmas Eve
- Election Day
- Fall Party
- Winter Party
- 1st Day of Summer
- 1st Day of Fall
- 1st Day of Winter
- 1st Day of Spring
- Mardi Gras
- Zoo Day
- Read Across America
- Hanukkah
- Early Release
- General Holiday Card (3)
- St. Nicholas Day
- Kwanzaa
- Hanukah Begins
- Hanukah Ends
- Diwali
- Field DAY
- Fun Run
- Gingerbread Day
- STEM Night
- Art
- Music
- Gym
- Technology
- Computers
- Spanish
- Opening Day
- Polar Express Day
- Olympics Begin
- Olympics End
- Nature Day
- Literacy Night
- 60’s Day
- 70’s Day
- 80’s Day
- Vacation
- Hawaiian Day
- Walking Field Trip
- Museum
- Show and Tell
- Park
- Groundhog Day
- Swimming
- Blood Drive
- Camp
- Carnival
- Book Fair
- Yoga
- Crazy Hair Day
- Late Start
- Circus
- Science Fair
- Career Day
- Super Hero Day
- Play
- Last Day (option 2)
- Vehicles Day
- Football Game
- Bike-A-Thon
- Jump for Heart
- Ice Cream Truck
- Cooking
- Food Truck
- Gymnastics
- Car Wash
- Boot Camp
- Camping
- Gingerbread Houses
- Church
- Snow Cones
- Screening (3 to choose from)
- Hearing Test
- Vision Test
- Fire Fighter Visits
- Dentist Visits
- Police Officer Visits
- Doctor Visits
- Vet Visits
- Chef Visits
- Artist Visits
- Baker Visits
- Farmer Visits
- Construction Worker Visits
- Zookeeper Visits
- Military Visits
- Garner Visits
- Scientist Visits
- Meteorologist Visits
- Mechanic Visits
- Reporter Visits
- Magician Visits
- Mailman Visits
- Apple Tasting
- Ice Cream Tasting
- Popcorn Tasting
- Parade
- Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
- Orchard Field Trip
- Zoo Field Trip
- Hayride
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Trunk or Treat
- Graduation
- Graduation Practice
Added 8/11/2021
- Juneteenth
- Lunar New Year
- Ramadan begins
- Ramadan ends
- Eid al-Adha
- Rosh Hashanah
- Yom Kippur
- Las Posadas
- Saint Lucia
- Good Friday
- Passover
- Ash Wednesday
- Puppet Show
- Costume Day
- 50’s Day
- 90’s Day
- 50th Day of School
- April Fools Day
- Day Light Savings Day
- Donuts with Dudes
- Muffins in the Morning
- STEM Night
- Messy Play Night
- Leap Day
- Holi
- Twin Day
- Tasting
- Pie Day
- Golf Game
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