Set your students up for success with my addition and subtraction books for little learners in preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten! There are 20 addition and subtraction books for little learners that are perfect for a math read-aloud. Check out my Addition & Subtraction Unit in the Little Learners Math Curriculum to use side-by-side with this book list! Your little learners will be math whizzes in no time!
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Addition and Subtraction Books for Little Learners
What little learner doesn’t love chocolate?! Your students will love learning about the basic rules of addition with Hershey’s Kisses as the manipulatives. Afterward, you could do a hands-on math lesson with kisses for the kids! This is one of my favorite addition & subtraction books for little learners!
Join seven little ducklings as they learn to fly. Your students will like to count, add, and explore with the ducks as they venture into the world.
What would you do if you were a plus sign? Your little learners will come up with the funniest answers! They will also giggle as they read about what the character wants to do if he were a plus sign. This book will make them think about adding in a different way.

This book offers a ton of uses, from counting to addition to multiplication! Your little learners will enjoy learning about math puzzles in the world around them. Plus, it features great artwork and colorful pictures! This is one of my favorite addition and subtraction books for little learners!
This book will make a wonderful addition to your resources! The author shows readers number combinations and how to add on using dominos. Your students will love to use dominos for addition practice after they read this book!
Now, 12 Ways to Get to 11 is a great book that will take readers on an adventure looking for ways to make 11. They will go to the barnyard, the mailbox, and a jack-o-lantern just to name a few of the fun places you might find 11.
This book will work great for showing students all the ways to make five or for a sorting lesson. 3 people and 2 cats are in the house but there are so many ways to compare and contrast the family.
Next up, Fish Eyes! This book could be used in multiple math units like counting, addition, and more. Your students will want to hold the book to touch the eyeball cutouts and count as you read. This is one of my favorite addition and subtraction books for little learners!
This title teaches kids all about regrouping. A later stage in addition, but still something that could be introduced to your little learners. It, also, teaches about grouping in sets of ten to see if Mama Bear has enough ingredients to complete her pie.
Ding, dong! The doorbell is ringing again! How many friends will come to visit, and will we have enough cookies? This book is a great tool to teach addition, friendship, and sharing.
This title on the addition & subtraction book list for little learners is a great read about doubling numbers. 5 ducklings are a handful, but what happens when they each bring a friend home!? Your kiddos will love seeing what happens next!
This book has a little addition and a little subtraction! Your kids will enjoy seeing what chaos is happening on each page to make some other animals jump in the pond. How many animals will fit in the pond?
Join Jill and her dog as she hauls animals! This book does a great job teaching addition as the kids read about the trucks that Jill passes on the road. It shows addition sentences and has pictures for visual references.
Addition and Subtraction Books for Little Learners
All kids love Pete the Cat! I mean, adults do, too! His silly rhymes, songs, and laidback attitude are great to have in the classroom, and now you can use him to teach subtraction. Go over simple subtraction problems as Pete loses the buttons off his shirt. This is one of my favorite addition & subtraction books for little learners!
This companion book to If You Were a Plus Sign, is great to have when teaching subtraction. What would the characters do if they were minus signs? Would you get more or take some away? Little learners will be able to help the characters out in this easy reader.
This book is great for little learners with its raised ladybugs for a sensory learning experience. Practice simple subtraction as the ladybugs disappear throughout the book. This is one of my favorite addition and subtraction books for little learners!
Practice several math skills as Molly plays with her brother’s cars. Counting, sorting, addition, and subtraction are all included in this book. This one will grab the attention of all your little learners!
Do some subtraction as you ride along with Ben on the elevator, but make sure your eyes are working right! This book will keep your little learners guessing as magic things happen at each stop the elevator makes.
This book makes the perfect tool to teach preschoolers and kindergartners about subtraction. It has simple vocabulary, a funny story, and silly pictures to engage your little learners.
Your little learners will love this rhyming, sing-songy book! They will get beginning subtraction skills as the frogs jump off the log into the water. This is one of my favorite addition & subtraction books for little learners!
Get busy teaching math to your students while using some titles from this addition and subtraction books for little learners! I hope these lists are useful in providing good literature for your classroom that relates to units you want to teach. If you are needing some help with resources to use with your little learners while teaching addition and subtraction, check out my math curriculum here!
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For more of my favorite books, check out my themed Book List Blog Series that features themed book lists to accompany your lessons and activities! These are sure to keep your library shelves full! If there is a book list for a theme you need, just let us know so we can create it for you!
hey, i’m jackie!
I’m Jackie, your go-to girl for early childhood inspiration and research-based curriculum.